Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Techied Post

I decided to start a blog for all of my amazing thoughts on technology in education. A little about me, I have grown up around technology. I know they say that the millenial generation begins in birth year 1980, but I am 1978 and have a dad who was a little ahead of the curve with technology. My first program was on a Vic Comodore 64. I learned to program that, then take it apart and put it back together. I bought an atari with coins from my piggy bank and played quite regularly. I owned the original Nintendo and everyone that has come out since. I love Mario games!

I believe that technology has the power to transform the education of our youth. I believe that by using a platform that can differentiate for each and every child we, for the first time in history, have the power to truly engage and educate every single child that comes through the education system in America. It is for that reason that I have devoted my career to technology in the educational setting.

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